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Joanna Antonucci
Particular client, Monaco

Naturally sweet and healthy juices! My favorite one, the coconut water! I have tasted several before and that one  is, in my opinion, the  best on the market.

Raphael Bonnefon
BNP Paribas Real Estate, Paris

A successful cocktail between drink, elegance and the eccentricity of its founder.  

Fruit juices produced in Vietnam, created by a Moroccan raised in France, country of gastronomy and culinary arts, a successful mix! 

Matthieu & Romain
"Les vedettes" of Lez, Montpellier

Maya fruit juices are original and delicious, really appreciated by our customers who are curious about new taste combinations. The pretty bottles are an added bonus ;)

Matthieu & Romain
"Les vedettes" of Lez, Montpellier

Je suis cliente fidèle depuis plusieurs années. Depuis, je ne bois plus que du Maya. Fini les produits chimiques et les goûts artificiels, je me régale et prends soin de ma santé. Je recommande vivement l’eau de coco, un délice !

Maya, vous avez ici votre plus grande fan.

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